Fire Evacuation Drills

USC Health & Safety Consultants London > Training Courses > Fire Safety Training > Fire Evacuation Drills

Fire Evacuation Drills


The Government’s guidance on fire safety law states that fire evacuation drills should be carried out at least once a year and more frequently if the risk assessment indicates a need. This recognises that in some organisations risks are higher. Also high staff  turnover can reduce the awareness of what to do in the event of a fire or evacuation.

The Fire Drill simulates a fire or other emergency occurring in an organisation requiring staff to evacuate the premises. The purpose is to evaluate the response against the organisations Fire Safety Plan and note any shortfalls and areas for improvement. Action to rectify these shortfalls and areas for improvement can then be taken .

To access independent advice and the provision of Fire Evacuation Drills for your organisation contact USC.

Programme For A Fire Evacuation DrillEvacuation Drills

USC have been providing employers with assistance for the last 25 years to meet their Fire Safety obligations. We tailor our service to your requirements.  We can audit compliance during an evacuation exercise or organise a totally “independent” exercise from start to finish.

Our aim will be to test the robustness of your organisation’s Fire Safety Plan by observing the response of staff and visitors. In addition the leadership provided by designated individuals e g Fire Wardens and Safety Supervisors can be assessed.  A baseline for future evacuations is provided by the time taken.

Learning Outcomes

A full report with an assessment of the degree of compliance with statutory provisions will be provided. Where necessary the report will also identify those areas where improvements must be made. All personnel will at the end of the drill be more confident in how to respond to an emergency. They will know their egress routes and assembly points.

The employer will be assured that hes has fulfilled his legal and moral responsibilities.

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