Fire Safety Awareness

USC Health & Safety Consultants London > Training Courses > Fire Safety Training > Fire Safety Awareness

Fire Safety Awareness

An intensive short course to cover the main requirements for the prevention of fires, the action to take in response to an alarm and how to raise the alarm in the event of a fire being discovered. Maximum of 12 delegates per course.

What are the benefits to the Organisation & the Individual?

  • Prevent fires occurring by training staff in fire prevention measures.
  • Reduce the number of false alarms and business interruption.
  • Comply with the obligations under Health & Safety Law, Fire Regulations and Fire Certificates.
  • Ensure that staff are competent in the use of first response fire fighting equipment.



  • Aims & Objectives of the course
  • Expected Learning Outcome
  • The Fire Triangle

Legislation & Policies

  • What legislation applies to you and your work?
  • Duties of Employers & Employees
  • Employers’ Policies & Procedures

Fire Prevention Issues

  • Where are fires likely to occur?
  • What measures can you take to prevent fires occurring?
  • Identification of risk factors and control measures for inclusion in the Fire Risk Assessment for your area.

Fire Response Issues

  • What to do in the event of hearing an alarm
  • What to do in the event of causing a fire or discovering a fire in progress

Evacuation Techniques

  • Evacuation of Staff

Video Presentation


Open Forum for Fire Safety Awareness

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