Tip off the week
Tip of the week for safe Moving and Handling procedures also known as Manual Handling procedures. These procedures may involve any action requiring the following:
Lifting – Pulling – Pushing – Manouevring – Carrying
Employers Obligations
There is an obligation on employers under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (2006 Amendment & 1999) and the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 to ensure that staff are trained to a level of competence associated with the activities they are likely to encounter in their work. Therefore, an office worker will not require the same level of training as for example a hospital porter.
By carrying out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment an employer will determine the risks associated with a manual handling operation. From this the employer can determine the training needs of the employee.
Types of Training
Inanimate Loads
An office worker requires only a basic level of Manual Handling training in order to lift for example a box of photocopying paper.
However, such training would not be the same for someone working in a factory or warehouse. Here the training will need to be at a higher level. This may require training in 2 man lifts, and / or pushing and pulling loads. In some cases this requires the use of a pallet truck or a forklift. Further specialist training will be be necessary.In the case of a forklift.
In the above cases the lifts will involve handling inanimate loads which are by and large predictable and constant.
Animate Loads
Health care workers for example will require a level of training which will cover lifting inanimate objects as above but also the moving and handling of patients. Here the risk level is different as there is a level of unpredictability associated with moving patients. The moving and handling of patients can be further subdivided into patients in hospital, in care homes or even in their own homes. In each case there may well be constraints involving availability of assistance, equipment, or even sufficient space to carry out the lifting operation safely.
Animate loads would include animals in veterinary environments and similar considerations will apply.
How can we help
We undertake to improve awareness in this field. We will therefore publish a tip of the week to highlight things that our readers can use both at home and at work to reduce the possibility of accidents and injuries.
Do not forget we are just an email of call away.
Our Tip of the Week
Did you know that holding a load away from your body at arm’s length can put 5 times more stress on the lower back?
Keep your load close to you. Love your Load, Love your Back!
19 June 2021
Have a good stable base when moving a load. Your feet should be shoulder width apart with one leg slightly forward.
To maintain stability during the lift be ready to move your feet.
25 June 2021
Wearing restrictive clothing and unsuitable footwear when doing any moving and handling can make the task a lot harder.
Dress appropriately for the jobs you do
2 July 2021
Do you know where your works Moving and Handling Policy is, have you read it recently? Make sure you keep up to date with any changes.
Make a mental note to have a look.
12 July 2021
Like a car our body needs fuel to work. Ensure you take your meal breaks and drink regularly throughout the day, this is especially important during the hot weather.
Nutrients give the body energy, keep the brain active and your muscles working.
23 July 2021
Sitting behind a computer for long periods of time can affect your concentration and posture.
Every 45-60 minutes have micro breaks, a few minutes to refocus, stretch your back and drink some water to hydrate the body.
2 August 2021
Are you struggling when sitting at your computer? Does your back ache, wrists hurt or are you feeling very fatigued? It looks like you need a DSE assessment.
Have a look at our DSE Course on this website. You could be helping yourself and your colleagues.
19 August 2021
Remember what you lifted yesterday you may not be able to lift today! You may be feeling confused right now, so let me explain.
If we are feeling under the weather, overexerted ourselves at the gym, had a bad night’s sleep etc. our body may not be able to function at its normal capacity.
Listen to your body, avoid hurting yourself and others and work within your body’s capacity at that time.
28 September 2021
Are you still standing on a chair at work to open a window or reach a shelf etc.?
Did you know that if you fell off the chair, excuse the pun, you wouldn’t have a leg to stand on?
Make sure you are using the right equipment for the task and keep up to date with Legislation in your place of work.
7 October 2021
If you use a Patient Hoist make a note of when the next LOLER service/maintenance is due.
Don’t get caught out and end up not being able to move your Patients/Clients safely.
11 October 2021
Do you know if you have any Bariatric equipment in your place of work; if so do you know where it is kept?
More and more Patients/Clients are being admitted who are heavier and may not be safe using “regular” equipment.
Be prepared, keep safe.
18 October 2021
When we feel discomfort, it is our body’s way of telling us something is not right.
Don’t leave it, speak to your GP or Occupational Health.
It could be nothing but it is better to be on the safe side.
22 November 2021
Get ready for the day. Do a few stretches when you first when you first get up.
10 December 2021
Keep hydrated. Water is ideal as it is free of additives and calorie free.
5 January 2022
Life can be hectic, doing this and doing that. Make a mental note to have some “me” time this week.
10 February 2022
Laugh more, it can help with stress and anxiety.
28 February 2022
Think before you lift!
7 March 2022
Maintain a healthy posture to aid a healthy back.
31 March 2022
Remember when doing manual handling, pushing is better than pulling, but pulling is better than lifting.
6 April 2022
Don’t cut corners. If you have been issued personal protective equipment it is your responsibility to wear it.
25 April 2022
If you are feeling stressed/depressed make this the week you talk to someone about it. Mental health is just as important as physical health.
9 May 2022
Treat your body like a car. Fill up with fuel, food, and drink, to keep on moving.
15 June 2022
If you see a hazard in the workplace, sort it. Prevent an Accident.
01 December 2022
Ensure your diet is a healthy one. Cut down on sugar and salt.
8 December 2022