Health & Safety Awareness

USC Health & Safety Consultants London > Training Courses > Health & Safety Training > Health & Safety Awareness

Health & Safety Awareness:


Covers the main aspects of health & safety in the workplace.

A three hour session with a maximum of 15 delegates per course.


  • Increase knowledge of health & safety issues
  • Reduce absence and long-term ill health within the organisation
  • Comply with the obligations under the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974, the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 and other relevant legislation



  • Brief overview of the legislative framework including the Health & Safety at Work Act, European Directives and Approved Codes of Practice
  • Organisation’s Health & Safety Policy
  • Arrangements for health, safety & welfare issues
  • Local Safety Policies & Codes of Practice

Employers’ Duties

  • Provide & maintain a safe place of work & a safe working environment
  • Ensure safe systems of work
  • Provide appropriate information, instruction, training & supervision to all its staff
  • Provide safe means of access & egress
  • Ensure the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles & substances
  • Carry out and review at appropriate intervals risk assessments and take appropriate control measures
  • Establish controls, monitor arrangements and provide health surveillance where required

Employees’ Duties

  • Take care of own health & safety and that of others who may be affected by your actions
  • Co-operate with the organisation to ensure it fulfils its duties
  • Attend training sessions where appropriate & follow the organisation’s policies & procedures
  • Report any defects in your workplace or work equipment to the appropriate person
  • Use, store & maintain any PPE provided as trained
  • Attend Occupational Health when required
  • Ensure a risk assessment is carried out before any procedure involving the use of hazardous substances, work equipment, etc
  • Advise your Manager of any condition or change of circumstances that could affect your continued health, safety or welfare at work or that could invalidate any risk assessment of your work activity, workplace or work equipment

Accident Procedures

  • The procedures to be followed
  • Completion of an accident form and where to send them

Learning Outcomes

After the course delegates should:

  • be able to recognise the importance of safe working practices
  • understand the organisations safety management system
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