
Patient Hoist Checks

Written by Wendy Attew April 26, 2022 0 comment

Patient Hoist Checks

Patient Hoist Checks


Patient hoist checks are essential before use.

Are you using a hoist on a patient in a health care setting, eg in a hospital, or in a person’s home?  Always do a series of hoist checks before carrying out a lift.

It is easy to become complacent when hoisting is just a small part of your job. Checks must be done or the outcome could be life threatening.



Trained to use the hoist? If the answer is no you shouldn’t be hoisting anyone and should apply for training asap.

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Employees need to take care of their own health and safety and that of persons at work who may be affected by their actions or omissions.  Patient hoisting by someone without knowing how to do so can lead to injury to both the employee and person being moved.



Before using the hoist check the service/maintenance label that should be securely attached to the hoist. Under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) hoists used for moving people should be serviced every year. In between services the hoist should also have a maintenance check . This should be done by someone trained in LOLER service and maintenance. If the hoist is not up to date a request should be put in for an urgent visit. LOLER also covers hoist slings and accessories.


Check the patient hoist is Working

Before using the Patient hoist on someone check that the hoist is working. Is the battery charged? Is the hoist going up and down? Are the hoist legs opening? Is there any loose wiring? Are there, unusual noises during use? Are the wheels moving freely? With ceiling track hoists also check that the hoist is running freely on the tracking system. Check you know where the emergency stop buttons are on your hoist in case you need to use them.


Safe Weight Limit (SWL)

The SWL should always be visible on the patient hoist, so make sure you are aware of how much weight the hoist can safely manage. Before hoisting anyone you should also be aware of their weight, as exceeding the weight could lead to an incident.


Check the Sling

Make sure the sling is suitable for the person to be lifted. Is it the correct fit and what is the SWL.  If the SWL of the sling is 120 kg and the hoist SWL is 140kg, the persons weight cannot exceed 120kg. Check for any damage such as fraying, holes etc. Do not use a sling with any damage and remove it from service. Washable slings should be machine washed as per label instructions as needed. Disposable slings should not be machine washed, small areas of soiling can be wiped down, otherwise they must be disposed of if badly soiled, damaged or if the patient is discharged. Remember disposable slings should not be shared. The serial number on each sling should be visible, if not the sling should be replaced.


Check the BrakesPatient Hoist Checks

Brakes should only be applied when not using or storing the patient hoist. If the brakes are applied when in use it will not be able to find its centre of gravity and could topple over causing severe harm to the person in the hoist.

Our Manual Handling Training includes hoist practical work. However not everyone wants or needs to have a full course. If you are new to hoisting or your staff need hoist training, we can do a Bespoke Hoist Course for you.

If you would like to discuss hoist training or any of our other safety services please email me, Wendy Attew, Senior Moving and Handling Consultant, at or give me a call on 07725956316

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