
How to become a Trainer

Written by Wendy Attew June 16, 2022 0 comment

Health, Safety, Fire & Manual Handling Training

How to Become a Trainer

How to become a trainer is a good question? Is it just standing in front of a class of learners, switching on a PowerPoint presentation and read the slides to the class? Does this make them a good Trainer? There are various approved teacher training courses that may help. Here we attempt to summarise over 3 blogs what you need to do.

Teaching Role and Responsibilities

Identifying Training Needs

Before commencing any teaching, it is very important for the Trainer to liaise with the Client. During this meeting I would establish what the Client wants me to deliver eg a trainer course in moving and handling. Who am I delivering the course too? What are the learner’s jobs? Have they done this training before and what does the Client expect the learner to gain from the course. I would also take into consideration the trainer’s knowledge of the subject being requested and allocate a trainer. If the course requested was Moving and Handling for Podiatrists I would allocate a trainer who is an expert in this field. I would then email the Client a copy of the course outline.

Planning Learning

Health, Safety, Fire & Manual Handling TrainingOnce the Client has agreed on the course I would then start planning the course. First I would ensure I have the right resources for the course such as a PowerPoint presentation, a spine manikin, handouts, health declaration/signing in forms, evaluations forms, spare pens, and marker pens. Then I would contact the Client to ascertain what equipment would be available at the allocated training venue and what needs to be ordered. Thirdly I would check  is the room big enough for the equipment and is there enough room for the maximum number of learners to move around safely. I would ask what refreshments facilities are available.

Facilitating Learning

As a Trainer I have become very aware that people learn in different ways. To promote a healthy learning environment, I use different teaching styles and resources during my courses. PowerPoint Presentations, ice breakers, steeple chase exercises, questions and answers, group work, quizzes, and tests are all examples. During the course I always ask the learners if they have any questions. Is there anything they would like me to repeat?  Am I speaking clearly enough? Am I going to fast or too slow? Do they need a recap? Some learners do not want to ask the teacher to repeat something they may have missed or didn’t understand. They may feel like it comes across that they are not listening, or they may not feel as knowledgeable as the rest of the group and don’t want to highlight the fact.

My next blog will explore further what makes a good trainer?

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