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Hoisting Patients
Health & Safety - Moving & Handling - Training

Hoisting Patients

Hoisting Patients (Part Two) This is the second part of my blog about Hoisting Patients. Here I will try to identify the things you must do before any lifting procedure involving hoists.   Check you Patient Hoist before each use. When using a hoist in a health care setting, such as in a hospital or …

Moving & handling training in NHS
Health & Safety - Moving & Handling

Patient Hoisting

Patient Hoisting (Part One) In my recent Blog, Manual Handling in the NHS, 5th January 2022, I spoke about how techniques and equipment including patient hoists are changing all the time, That staff need to keep themselves up to date with training so that the techniques and the equipment used is the safest for themselves, …

Blog - Business - Health & Safety - Moving & Handling


Ergonomics What is Ergonomics? Basically, Ergonomics means your work equipment and work environment fitting in with you, which in turn will help with the persons comfort, aid productivity and efficiency. “Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions among human and other elements of a system, and the …

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