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Working from Home
Health & Safety - Health and Safety - Welfare

Is Working from Home “Work”?

Is Working from Home “Work”? COVID-19 and Ways of Working  Since the early part of 2020 many people have been working from home. Opinion varies as to whether this is a “good thing” or not. For many it is quite a departure from the routine of travelling and the familiarity of the workplace environment. But …

Exposure to Chemical and Biological Hazards
Blog - Exposure to Chemical Hazards - Health and Safety

Exposure to Chemical and Biological Hazards

Exposure to Chemical and Biological Hazards What are the risks? Cleaning activities cover a broad range of tasks, from sweeping and vacuuming to cleaning of surfaces, equipment and disposal of waste. All of these can present a risk of exposure to Chemical and Biological Hazards. This is dependent on the cleaning agents being used and …

First Aid
First Aid - Health and Safety

First Aid

First Aid The History of First Aid First aid has been around as long as people have been fighting each other in battles. Early Egyptians’ used bandages to dress battle wounds. The Roman armies had medics and an early kind of ambulance service (ambulare being the Latin verb “to walk”, so something to help you …

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