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poor posture and bad weather
Health & Safety - Moving & Handling - Training

Poor Posture and Bad Weather

Poor Posture and Bad Weather Its that time again, songs are heard everywhere you go, mince pieces are stacked high in the shops and fairy light are flashing in windows and poor posture and bad weather  can become an issue.  Yes its nearly Christmas! It’s a lovely time of year and even those who are …

Health, Safety, Fire & Manual Handling Training
Blog - Health & Safety - Moving & Handling - Training

How to become a Trainer

How to Become a Trainer How to become a trainer is a good question? Is it just standing in front of a class of learners, switching on a PowerPoint presentation and read the slides to the class? Does this make them a good Trainer? There are various approved teacher training courses that may help. Here …

Hoisting Patients
Health & Safety - Moving & Handling - Training

Hoisting Patients

Hoisting Patients (Part Two) This is the second part of my blog about Hoisting Patients. Here I will try to identify the things you must do before any lifting procedure involving hoists.   Check you Patient Hoist before each use. When using a hoist in a health care setting, such as in a hospital or …

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