How to Become a Trainer How to become a trainer is a good question? Is it just standing in front of a class of learners, switching on a PowerPoint presentation and read the slides to the class? Does this make them a good Trainer? There are various approved teacher training courses that may help. Here …
Hoisting Patients (Part Two) This is the second part of my blog about Hoisting Patients. Here I will try to identify the things you must do before any lifting procedure involving hoists. Check you Patient Hoist before each use. When using a hoist in a health care setting, such as in a hospital or …
Obesity in the UK More and more people in this country are in the obesity category and this may lead to health complications. There are a variety of reasons why people are overweight. This could be due to a poor diet, eating highly processed food, takeaways, sugary foods etc. It could be due to lack …