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Health, Safety, Fire & Manual Handling Training
Blog - Health & Safety - Moving & Handling - Training

How to become a Trainer

How to Become a Trainer How to become a trainer is a good question? Is it just standing in front of a class of learners, switching on a PowerPoint presentation and read the slides to the class? Does this make them a good Trainer? There are various approved teacher training courses that may help. Here …

Patient Hoist Checks
Blog - Health & Safety - Hoists - Moving & Handling

Patient Hoist Checks

Patient Hoist Checks   Patient hoist checks are essential before use. Are you using a hoist on a patient in a health care setting, eg in a hospital, or in a person’s home?  Always do a series of hoist checks before carrying out a lift. It is easy to become complacent when hoisting is just …

Blog - Business - Health & Safety - Moving & Handling


Ergonomics What is Ergonomics? Basically, Ergonomics means your work equipment and work environment fitting in with you, which in turn will help with the persons comfort, aid productivity and efficiency. “Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions among human and other elements of a system, and the …

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